Facebook with it's 1.94 billion monthly active users is the right place to have your real estate business

Facebook continues to expand their reach online and with almost 2 billions active users per month, there is a very good chance that your next client is one of those users. And because there are so many users on Facebook, it is becoming harder and harder to just post a status update and get the same attention as you used to some years back. Facebook helps real estate agents get the exposure they need to get in front of buyers and sellers by using their Facebook Ad platform. Facebook Ads allows real estate agents with the ability to target locally to buyers and sellers and keep your face in front of your next client. You can spend $1000’s on lead generation that does not pan out, but with Facebook Ads, even after a potential client interacts with your ad, you can retarget that lead so that when your lead is ready to buy, they are constantly seeing your face on their news feed.

Facebook is constantly improving their ad platform and this benefits real estate agents like yourself to reap the benefits. Did you know that you can target ads to your website visitors? Yes, all you have to do is install a Facebook Pixel and you can begin building a custom audience to place ads in front of these visitors. There could be particular sections of your website that visitors are looking at like ‘How to sell my house’. So you can segment this audience to show ads about selling your house and linking to content related to this. You aren’t able to do this with traditional marketing.

If you aren’t advertising on Facebook as a Real Estate Agent, you are truly missing out and not making use of one of the most powerful marketing channels. If you don’t feel comfortable with signing up to run a campaign, contact us so that we can discuss your marketing goals and how we can get you on the right track of getting your real estate business on Facebook in front of your next client.

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